TUGAS 3 UID (worldbestwebsite.com)

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009 - Diposting oleh finna di 07.00
Nama Kelompok :Alfina Nuraini [30108384]
Erwin Abdurachim [3010243]
Irfan Dwi Aji [30108036]
Nelson Patar MS [30108573]

* breadth of browser compatibility
* minimum & maximum monitor resolutions
* plain text/HTML alternate entry paths
* appeal to universal audience - multilingual translations, cultural sensitivity, disability access & services

--aestically pleasing--
* quotations, images & intellectual property from 3rd parties are appropriately cited
* absence of duplication & repetition
* exceptional artistry
* elegance & sophistication of core design concepts
* clever synergies of visual elements
* color harmonies
* artistic integration
* professional appearance
* visual appeal
* complexity & quality of tables
* congruence of elements
* originality of components
* elegance & sophistication
* style variation from industry fashions
* creative use of resources

* clarity & potency of message delivery
* professionalism in achieving website goals
* page titles, descriptions, keywords & tags
* information architecture, primary purpose, construct clarity, chunking, packaging, FAQ's & RFC
* perceptual clarity, focus of attention, visibility of functions
* clarity of grammar & use of language
* articulation of complex concepts
* spelling, punctuation etc.
* absence of incongruities
* typography & font styles
* audio-visual synchronization
* consolidation & reinforcement of purpose

* general layout & use of space
* use of borders, dividers, rules

* effective use of layers

* overall page sizes & complexity
* interface functionality

* navigation functionality & clarity
* aids, tools & help resources

* absence of conceptual "dissonance"
* customer/surfer interaction processes

* ease of use

* use of interactive maps & other active media
* link integrity
* information access - content rating systems, usability, search facility, site map, steps to destination, readability, effectiveness of image maps

* ease of contact & responsiveness
* management of requests & complaints from customers
* prompts to action
* quality & depth of links provided
* external Vs internal link ratios for access to core information
* wait to first reaction/interaction times
* average download times
* download order & image redraws
* responsivness
* advanced, unusual, or clever solutions
* multi-sensory appeal & impact
* advanced solutions

* Java & Javascript dependency, image dependency
* effective use of leading edge technologies - Java, DHTML, active X, advanced coding, XML, CSS, peer to peer
* audio & video broadcast, use of streaming media

* customer testimonials provided

* refund policy & privacy practices published
* absence of mistakes &/or inaccuracy
* absence of process failures & code crash

* usefulness & quality of content, free resources etc.
* Email lists, newsletters, newsgroups, chat, BB
* other value added services provided
* absence of dead ends & outdated pages
* membership & community facilities

* simplification of complex components, use of synopsis & summaries
* reason to return
* clarity & simplicity